Introducing dataX Bridge - your trusted partner for eCommerce success!

AI-powered Product Data

Precision, Speed & Savings for the Modern Supplier & Distributor


Leverage AI-powered automation to eliminate tedious manual work!

Digital Transformation

Across ANY specification: PDFs, flat files, SDS, blue prints, images and more

Content Enrichment

Fill titles, descriptions, images, videos, attributes and other digital assets


Categorize every product into ANY hierarchy or taxonomy, with minimal product information

Taxonomy Management

Manage hierarchies, versions, attributes & sync catalog seamlessly

Supplier Connector

Ingest product data from suppliers and other sources in ANY template
million SKUs processed
clients supported
active subscriptions

Simple, transparent pricing

We offer competitive pricing whether you have a few thousand or a few million SKUs.
Full product content enrichment solutions at just $0.98 a SKU. This includes classification of SKUs, and enriched titles, descriptions, images, videos, PDFs, user manuals, specification tables, and all digital assets.

As a standalone service, content monitoring is offered at $0.04 a SKU.
Custom Pricing
We also offer partial enrichment if you want only a certain attribute enriched, or say only images, or just titles. You choose what you want, and pay only for that! Please contact sales to know more.
High Volume Discounts
We offer attractive discounts for committed higher volumes. If you know how many SKUs you will need to process annually, you can save a lot of money.
Contact sales for details.

Value for money

Subscription based plan
5 user licenses (Additional licenses are $600 per user per year)
$6,000 of credit towards processing fees
24×7 Email and chat support
Contact sales
Trusted by leading retailers, distributors and manufacturers

Client Testimonials

“We were able to scale our catalog over 100X in just 18 months without compromising on quality.”

Top 3 US Retailer
SVP Engineering

“In early field tests, we were able to see an increase in revenue of more than 3% due to the solution implemented.”

Japanese Retailer
Group CIO

"The time to onboard products went from months to days, with greater consistency and significantly lower cost."

Leading US B2B retailer
Contact us

Write in to see a demo, or ask about our products or pricing

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